Our team manage exchange and placement programmes in Europe on behalf of various communities and educational institutions.
Here at MPI Ireland, we are professionals in mobility and are passionate about providing experiences which reflect the needs and aspirations of our trainees. We take our time to understand exactly what you are looking for and how you want to develop both professionally and personally.
Our services cover various missions ranging from the design, development and set-up of projects to the handling of all the logistical aspects of the beneficiaries' stay (language courses, work placements, accommodation, administrative procedures, follow-up and monitoring, visas, remuneration, cultural activities, etc.)
We can arrange language courses across Ireland for individuals and groups to suit your needs. We are also able to arrange language exams.
From HR, marketing, and graphic design to the more technical profiles such as mechanical engineers, IT developers and electricians, we are able to provide valuable work placements in a vast range of sectors across Ireland.
We are able to arrange accommodation for the duration of your stay in Ireland with one of our experienced hosts. We can offer a range of options based on your preferences.
Before and during a candidates mobility we are on hand to assist with logistical, administrative and general support. Our experienced team are available to assist you throughout your journey.
MOB4ALL - "2023-2-IE01-KA210-VET-000181899" is a European Small Scale Project co-funded by the European Union throught the Irish National Agency Leargas in 2023 under the Erasmus + Programme 2021-2027. The project has started in March 2024 for a duration of 15 months. MOB4ALL general objective is to encourage as many participants as possible to participate in the Erasmus + experience, particularly trainees from the LGBTQIA+ community, without facing discrimination. This general objective is directly link to one of the key EU priorities, diversity and inclusion.
The idea is to raise awareness of inclusion and promote the participation of those fewer opportunities, in this case trainees from the LGBTQIA+ community, to take part in the Erasmus + programme and creating more opportunities in the VET sector through making it more inclusive. The MOB4ALL project brings together 3 partners from 3 EU countries (MPII from Ireland, AIP from Spain and INNLANDET from Norway) who believe strongly that the Erasmus + programme is an experience which opens minds, increases employment opportunities and strengthens links between European citizens.
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We are always looking at ways to develop our network and create new partnerships.
Here at European Placement Network, we are driven by providing quality work placements. For a company that’s looking to expand, diversify, or just needs an extra pair of hands for project, welcoming a trainee can bring innumerable benefits.
Are you looking to send a group or individual candidate to or from Ireland? Reach out to our team and they will be able to assist you with realising this project.
Do you have a spare room you are looking to let? By becoming a host with us, you would not only be putting that spare room to use but also immerse yourself in a new cultural experience.
"I would like to thank you again for all your help and support during my stay in Ireland. I will treasure this experience for the rest of my life. Thanks a lot !!!"
"This experience will greatly benefit my future studies, and I highly recommend this company. They truly understand the significance of professional experience in enhancing our learning and enriching our skills."
"It was an amazing opportunity and I liked to work for the school. I met a lot of people and I made friends from all over the world."
+353 (0) 89 959 33 24